Adventure is a journey of discovery. It’s a trial of hardships, ease, loss, victory, change, adaptation and understanding. It is wild, paradoxical and contradictory, but perhaps this is what draws people to it.
This is reflected in the name I chose for myself. I chose Freya, after the Norse goddess of love, war, fertility and death. These ideals conflict with each other, not to the detriment of the whole, but in a way that makes each part shine.
We have all been on the steepest part of an up-track and decided that fresh tracks over the ridge aren’t worth it. We will grumble and curse our choices under our breath only to finally summit the ridge and gaze out over the newly revealed landscape and think “Wow… ok yeah, maybe it was worth it.”
Which makes me wonder if the prize is sweeter because of the hardship we faced. If clutching victory from the jaws of defeat makes the victory burn brighter and hotter.
With every ascent and descent, we grow and evolve and change into the people we want to be. We face these hardships to persevere, grow, and to discover more about ourselves as we do. I started my journey in adventure as young a boy born in Scotland and now, I am a confident woman, leading others in this beautiful Canadian landscape.
I look forward to touring with you and I can’t wait to see how much you all grow and discover too.